
== EnLight * Snow *HEAD SKIN* FREE @12 Days of Christmas* at enLight Main shop ==


 ❀ Sponsored Item ❀ 

👉EnLight Snow *HEAD SKIN* FREE @ 12 Days of Christmas* included body shape for Lelutka Camila »  at  📌enLight Main shop
👉EnLight *Snow shape (Lelutka Camila +Reborn) FREE  » at  📌enLight Main shop
👉EnLight PUP eyes * GIFT at 📌 Shop+Hop 
👉EnLight  * HDX (Reb+Erik) body skin * » at  📌enLight Main shop

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❀ Other Items ❀Gif

# - REBORN by eBODY v1.69.6
# - / HEAD / lel evox / CAMILA 4.0
# - *barberyumyum*T28(03) Rigged_braid
# - Mug - Anya Jacket
# - Mug - Anya Shorts
# - Danai Riragu Reindeer Headband
# - Faga. / Successful / Bun Fur
# - TRUTH Collective / Exhale / Hair


== ^^ MonaMur ^^ * Flores Shirt * » ⓝⓔⓦ @Cosmopolitan Event ==


❀ Sponsored Item ❀ 

👉 ^^ MonaMur ^^ * Flores Shirt * » ⓝⓔⓦ & available at Cosmopolitan Round 9th - 21st December.

❥ Sizes: Ebody Reborn / Waifu - Legacy / Perky / Bombshell - Lara X

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 | Flickr Owner | | Marketplace | | InWorld | 

❀ Other Items ❀Gif

# -/ HEAD / lel evox / AVALON 4.0
# - REBORN by eBODY v1.69.6
# - Just Magnetized - Rose BlusGift
# - DeeTaleZ MU *Autumn Lips*
# - DeeTaleZ MU *Autumn Blush* 
# - LaBella Candy's Nails '
# - MICHAN - Jordie Earrings
# - VCO ~ JIYU Hair / 


== LaBella ❖LaBella Candy's Nails❖ » ⓝⓔⓦ @ Marketplace ==

💟 Blush 💟

Sponsored Items ❀  

👉 LaBella ❖LaBella Candy's Nails  » ⓝⓔⓦ & available at 📌 Marketplace 

✔ = ❖ For Bodies:

➷Belleza Gen X
➷ eBody Reborn
➷ Erika

👉 cookies tattoo gift BOM

► HUD Driven

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❀ Other Items ❀

# - / HEAD / lel evox / AVALON 4.0
# - REBORN by eBODY v1.69.6
# - [Glitzz] Baby Set 
# - Oxysins - Nose Blush Gift
# - DeeTaleZ MU *Autumn Lips* 
# - DeeTaleZ MU *Autumn Blush* 
# - [avarosa] Sasha Freckles 
# - .::Believe::Body Blush_Tattoo::.
# - Ribbon - Gift - Waifu


== EnLight * BEC Genus-4K *Head skin * @Uber monthly Event ==


❀ Sponsored Item ❀ 

👉EnLight * BEC  Genus-4K *Head skin * » ⓝⓔⓦ & exclusive at 📌 Uber monthly Event [Nov. 25th - Dec. 22nd]

👉EnLight * BEC shape shape (GenusMargo+streightNose +Reborn) 

FREEenLight BEC shape for Genus MORPH head - incl. with each skin purchase!

➡Nose wearing in the photo: GenusMargo+NoseMorph Wavy.

👉EnLight * HDX - BellyButton - Reborn * » at  📌enLight Main shop

👉EnLight  * HDX (Reb+Erik) body skin * » at  📌enLight Main shop

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❀ Other Items ❀Gif

# - REBORN by eBODY v1.69.6
# - GENUS MORPH - Margo
# - *barberyumyum*T28(03) Rigged_braid
# - LaBella Candy's Nails
# - RAWR! Vipassana Bellychains eBody reborn
# - [Glitzz] Ruffle Bottom&Top - Gift
# - [lilp] Milky Shakey - Phone
# - [lilp] Milky Shakey - Strawberry Milkshake


== ^^ MonaMur ^^ * Penelope Set * » ⓝⓔⓦ @Duba ==


❀ Sponsored Item ❀ 

👉 ^^ MonaMur ^^ * Penelope Set ( Top & Skirt ) * » ⓝⓔⓦ & available at 📌Dubai Nov 20th-Dec 15th

❥ - Ebody Reborn / Juicy Rolls - Legacy - Lara X
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❀ Other Items ❀Gif

# - / HEAD / lel evox / AVALON 4.0
# - REBORN by eBODY v1.69.6
# - [avarosa] Sasha Freckles
# - Just Magnetized - Rose BlusOxysins - Nose Blush Gift
# - DeeTaleZ MU *Autumn Lips* 
# - (Enfer Sombre*) LeLutka EvoX Brows 
# - Voguel - Sol Skin ICY V2
# - Voguel - Icy Realistic Ears 
# - KUNGLERS - Judith L earrings
# - KUNGLERS - Judith necklace
# - MIURA - Natalia Couture Mini Purse 
# - REBORN - Juicy Rolls - Addon v1.1
# - TRUTH / Ceres hair


== ^^ MonaMur ^^ * Loretta Dress * @Cosmopolitan ==


❀ Sponsored Item ❀ 

👉 ^^ MonaMur ^^ * Loretta Dress * » ⓝⓔⓦ & available at 📌Cosmopolitan Round 15/13} 11th - 23rd November

❥ Sizes: - Ebody Reborn / Waifu / Juicy - Legacy / Bombshell - Lara X

👉 LaBella Isabor's Nails CLAWS » available at 📌Marketplace

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 | Flickr Owner | | Marketplace | | InWorld | 

❀ Other Items ❀Gif

# -/ HEAD / lel evox / AVALON 4.0
# - REBORN by eBODY v1.69.6
Voguel - Sol Skin (EVOX)
DeeTaleZ MU *Autumn Eyeshadow* for Lel EVOX
DeeTaleZ MU *Autumn Lips* for Lel EVOX/ LIGHT
DeeTaleZ MU *Autumn Blush* for Lel EVOX
Heart Earrings:: Pink Cream Pie
MICHAN - Sabrina Necklace
~~ Ysoral ~~ .:Luxe Set rings Flowers


== ^^ MonaMur ^^ *Adams Set @Cosmopolitan //EnLight * Head skins* Genus-4K @Uber monthly Event ==


❀ Sponsored Item ❀

👉 ^^ MonaMur ^^ *Adams Set (Skirt & Top) * » available at 📌Cosmopolitan {Round 14/13} 28th October - 9th November

❥ Sizes: - - Ebody Reborn / JuicyRoll - Legacy / Perky / Petite - Lara X | Lara X Petite

👉EnLight * Head skins* Genus-4K (EvoX) (LUA shape for Genus MORPH head - include) * » ⓝⓔⓦ & exclusive at 📌 Uber monthly Event [October. 25th Jan. - November. 22nd]

👉EnLight  *Plus* Reborn-JUICY ROLLS - BOM Body skin * » at  📌enLight Main shop

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 | Flickr Owner | | Marketplace | | InWorld | 

❀ Other Items ❀Gif

# - REBORN by eBODY v1.69.6
# - GENUS Project - Head - Classic W001 - v2.0
# - Sintiklia - Hair Aurora
# - Kibitz - Kyla's necklace
# - [lilp] Simple not Simple


== ^^ MonaMur ^^ * Poppy Set (Skirt & Top) * @Cosmopolitan ==


❀ Sponsored Item ❀ 

👉 ^^ MonaMur ^^ * Poppy Set (Skirt & Top) * » available at 📌Cosmopolitan
{Round 13/13} 14th - 26th October.

❥ Sizes: - Ebody Reborn - Legacy / Perky - Lara X

👉Vezzo Ink Tattoo *  Faria Full body * » available at 📌 Vezzo Ink Tattoo main store.

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 | Flickr Owner | | Marketplace | | InWorld | 

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❀ Other Items ❀Gif

# -/ HEAD / lel evox / AVALON 4.0
# - REBORN by eBODY v1.69.6
# - poema - Maud Arizona Eyebrows
# - Wasabi // Pumpkin Hair 
# - Zuri's Boo! Earrings

== ^^ MonaMur ^^ * Wilfreda Shorts * ⓝⓔⓦ @Tres Chic Event ==

🌹🌹🌹🌹 ❀ Sponsored Item ❀   👉 ^^ MonaMur ^^ * Wilfreda Shorts * » ⓝⓔⓦ & available at Tres Chic Event   [Feb 19th- March 10th] ❥ Siz...