

Preparamos um lindo outfit de aniversario da Daines Designs... Este outfit - Sueli.
Shorts, calcinha, top (applier Omega e Maitreya) e sandalia Slink high.
O preço é otimo, venham dar uma conferida na loja

Prepared a lovely birthday outfit of Daines Designs ... This outfit - Sueli.
Shorts, underwear, top (applier Omega and Maitreya) and sandal Slink high.
The price is actually really come to check it in the store

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== ^^ MonaMur ^^ * Wilfreda Shorts * ⓝⓔⓦ @Tres Chic Event ==

🌹🌹🌹🌹 ❀ Sponsored Item ❀   👉 ^^ MonaMur ^^ * Wilfreda Shorts * » ⓝⓔⓦ & available at Tres Chic Event   [Feb 19th- March 10th] ❥ Siz...