
🖤 == Juniper Events show you The Gothmas Market Event == 🖤

🖤 == Juniper Events show you The Gothmas Market Event == 🖤

❥⇢ The Gothmas Market ⇢ December 15th to 27th
🖤⇢ To Join our inworld group click HERE
🖤⇢ Or copy the URL = secondlife:///app/group/8cac56c3-49a0-012c-2c35-7836985af398/about
🖤Gothmas Event item 🖤

⛄⇢ ArtToo's Gothibat -SL Tattoo Layer » ⓝⓔⓦ & exclusive  at ðŸ“Œ Gothmas Market Event

❀ Other Items ❀

🎄⇢ Head - lel EvoX PRIM 3.1
🎄⇢ REBORN by eBODY v1.69.4
🎄⇢ Badwolf - Xmas Candy Skulls 
🎄⇢ Rings - Vibing -- holly rings
🎄⇢ Hair - . Doe . Floret .
🎄⇢ - Secrets - Lola Garter - Gold - Reborn -
🎄⇢ - Secrets - Natalie Bra - Gold - Reborn

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== ^^ MonaMur ^^ * Wilfreda Shorts * ⓝⓔⓦ @Tres Chic Event ==

🌹🌹🌹🌹 ❀ Sponsored Item ❀   👉 ^^ MonaMur ^^ * Wilfreda Shorts * » ⓝⓔⓦ & available at Tres Chic Event   [Feb 19th- March 10th] ❥ Siz...